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London Fashion Week! (Part 1)

I recently had the great honour of representing Jessica Cosmetics at not 1, not 2 but 4 fabulous shows at London Fashion Week. 

It was such an incredible experience I just have to share it with you all! Although be warned this will be an honest and raw story!

It all started with a simple voicemail from the PR Manager at Gerrard International (The UK supplier of Jessica). My wonderful Area Manager had recommended me to join the Jessica Hands on Team who represent Jessica at various events and occasions including London Fashion Week... 'Would this be something you would be interested in?' she asked.. Wow ...would I ever!! After listening to the message a few times just to be sure I heard right I graciously accepted (well I was more like an overly excited puppy!).

A week before the show the nerves started creeping in and self - doubt reared its ever so ugly head... Will I be good enough, can I work fast enough, this is out of my league, how will I get there, what if the trains don't run? So I practiced and practiced until I could perform mini Phenom manicures in little over 10 minutes. If I have ever done your nails before you will know I don't like to rush my art so this in itself was a real achievement! 

As the time got closer my anxiety sky rocketed, I couldn't concentrate, I felt sick and dissociated. I kept thinking Why am I doing this to myself?!  Why.. because doing things that scare us, even terrify us, make us grow, it makes us stronger. I've been in scarier situations before... I can do this, I've got this! I always find the best way to deal with my anxiety is to grab the reins and get control of the situation. So I organised. Boy, did I organise! I triple checked the train times (thank you Julie and Husband!), I listed EVERYTHING and stalked the venues on Google maps, even the walk from the stations and read every London Fashion Week nail blog going until I felt like I had already done it. I also received reflexology which really does help with anxiety and your ability to cope. And you know what.... It worked! The night before I was nervous as hell but excited, I couldn't wait to get started! 

The 4 AM alarm went off and I made my way, uneventfully and calmly. I was super early (of course!) so I grabbed a coffee and enjoyed watching the sun rise over the City. As soon as I met the rest of the Jessica Team and saw those smiling faces I knew I was going to love every second!  

To stop this being too long I will tell you all about the shows in Part 2! 

I wanted to give you an honest look at the human side of these glamorous events. I hope this inspires at least one of you to grab those reins and do something because it's scares you! Embrace it, feel it and grow! 

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